Topic6 - Multilayer Networks


Harun Pirim


October 17, 2023


First introduced under social science domain, multilayer networks represented different type of relationships of the same nodes. The representation is now generalized to allow diffent nodes at each layer, different relathionships and connections between layers. Transportation networks, social networks, biological networks, and financial networks are examples of multilayer networks.

Alt Text
Figure 1: APS Dataset, paper collaborations in different subjects. Courtesy of the reference 1.

Mathematical Definition

I will be using the convention adopted in the first reference. We can define multilayer network

\(M = (Y, \vec{G}, G)\)

where \(Y\) is the set of layers, is the ordered list of networks, and \(G\) is the list of bipartite networks that represent relationships between pairs of layers.

Multiplex networks are multilayer networks where the set nodes is the same for all layers. They are also called replica nodes if interlinks are allowed between layers. Without interlinks a multiplex can be represented as

\(M = (Y, \vec{G})\)

where \(Y\) is the set of layers and is the ordered list of networks. Each network contains the same set of nodes.

Analyzing Multiplex Networks

One way of analyzing multiplex networks is flattening layers and analyzing the resulting single layer network. This approach is called single layer projection. Edge weights can be added to reflect the number of layers that contain the edge.

Actor Analysis

Degree standard deviation of an actor through layers is defined as

\(\sigma_{k} = \sqrt{\frac{1}{L-1}\sum_{\alpha=1}^{L}(k_{\alpha}-\bar{k})^2}\)

where \(k_{\alpha}\) is the degree of the actor in layer \(\alpha\), \(\bar{k}\) is the average degree of the actor, and \(L\) is the number of layers.

uunet Python package can be used to analyze multiplex networks. Detailed documentation and a tutorial can be found at uunet

#install uunet
import uunet.multinet as ml
n ='tutorial/example1.txt')
ml.plot(n, vertex_labels_bbox = {"boxstyle":'round4', "fc":'white'})

Helper function defined to convert the output of the library to pandas dataframes.

import pandas as pd
# transforms the typical output of the library (dictionaries) into pandas dataframes
def df(d):
  return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d)

Use networkx objects as layers of the multiplex network

import networkx as nx
l1 = nx.read_edgelist("tutorial/example_igraph1.dat")
l2 = nx.read_edgelist("tutorial/example_igraph2.dat")
n = ml.empty()
ml.add_nx_layer(n, l1, "layer1")
ml.add_nx_layer(n, l2, "layer2")
df( ml.edges(n) )
from_actor from_layer to_actor to_layer dir
0 A layer1 C layer1 False
1 A layer1 B layer1 False
2 B layer1 C layer1 False
3 A layer2 C layer2 False

The library provides a multiplex mixture growth model based on some evolution functions. It’s limited to ER and PA models for now. A layer can grow internally or externally based on probabilities. If externally effected from other layers, dependency matrix can be used to define the dependency between layers.

models_mix = [ ml.evolution_pa(3, 1), ml.evolution_er(100), ml.evolution_er(100) ]
pr_internal = [1, .2, 1]
pr_external = [0, .8, 0]
dependency = [ [1, 0, 0], [0.5, 0, 0.5], [0, 0, 1] ]
generated_mix = ml.grow(100, 150, models_mix, pr_internal, pr_external, dependency)
l = ml.layout_multiforce(generated_mix, gravity = [.5])
ver = ml.vertices(generated_mix)
deg = [, [a], [l])[0] for a,l in zip(ver['actor'], ver['layer'])]
ml.plot(generated_mix, layout = l, vertex_labels=[], vertex_size=deg)

It is also possible to read existing datasets in the library.

net ="aucs")
['lunch', 'facebook', 'coauthor', 'leisure', 'work']

You can merge some layers into a single layer.

ml.flatten(net, "offline", ['work', 'leisure', 'lunch'] )
['lunch', 'facebook', 'coauthor', 'leisure', 'work', 'offline']
net ="aucs")
l2 = ml.layout_multiforce(net, w_inter = [1], w_in = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0], gravity = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0])
ml.plot(net, layout = l2, grid = [2, 3], vertex_labels = [])

Some summary network metrics can be obtained from the library. \(n,m\) are number of nodes and edges, \(nc\) is number of components, \(slc\) is the size of larges component, \(dens\) is the density, \(cc\) is the average clustering coefficient, \(apl\) is the average shortest path length, \(dia\) is the diameter of the layer.

df( ml.summary(net) )
layer n m dir nc slc dens cc apl dia
0 lunch 60 193 False 1 60 0.109040 0.568926 3.188701 7
1 facebook 32 124 False 1 32 0.250000 0.480569 1.955645 4
2 coauthor 25 21 False 8 6 0.070000 0.428571 1.666667 3
3 leisure 47 88 False 2 44 0.081406 0.343066 3.122622 8
4 work 60 194 False 1 60 0.109605 0.338786 2.390395 4

Other network statistics can be obtained converting multiplex object to networkx object.

import networkx as nx
layers = ml.to_nx_dict(net)

Layers can be compared in pairs based on difference/similarity of node/edge properties. The formulations are explained in the reference 3.

comp = df( ml.layer_comparison(net, method = "") )
comp.columns = ml.layers(net)
comp.index = ml.layers(net)
lunch facebook coauthor leisure work
lunch 0.000000 0.420768 2.896653 1.328825 0.837241
facebook 0.420768 0.000000 2.021401 1.017798 0.710679
coauthor 2.896653 2.021401 0.000000 0.452108 0.591749
leisure 1.328825 1.017798 0.452108 0.000000 0.211845
work 0.837241 0.710679 0.591749 0.211845 0.000000
df( ml.layer_comparison(net, method = "jaccard.actors") )
0 1 2 3 4
0 1.000000 0.533333 0.416667 0.783333 0.967213
1 0.533333 1.000000 0.295455 0.519231 0.533333
2 0.416667 0.295455 1.000000 0.411765 0.416667
3 0.783333 0.519231 0.411765 1.000000 0.783333
4 0.967213 0.533333 0.416667 0.783333 1.000000
df( ml.layer_comparison(net, method = "") )
0 1 2 3 4
0 1.000000 0.312560 0.148637 0.281517 0.246475
1 0.312560 1.000000 0.547277 0.378174 0.540601
2 0.148637 0.547277 1.000000 0.480845 0.427194
3 0.281517 0.378174 0.480845 1.000000 0.068050
4 0.246475 0.540601 0.427194 0.068050 1.000000
df( ml.layer_comparison(net, method = "jaccard.edges") )
0 1 2 3 4
0 1.000000 0.178439 0.064677 0.277273 0.339100
1 0.178439 1.000000 0.058394 0.158470 0.186567
2 0.064677 0.058394 1.000000 0.101010 0.091371
3 0.277273 0.158470 0.101010 1.000000 0.205128
4 0.339100 0.186567 0.091371 0.205128 1.000000

Degrees and degree deviations of actors can be obtained.

Code, actors=['U4'])
deg =
act = ml.actors(net)

degrees = [ [deg[i], list(act.values())[0][i]] for i in range(len(deg)) ]
degrees.sort(reverse = True)

[[49, 'U4'], [47, 'U67'], [46, 'U91'], [44, 'U79'], [44, 'U123']]
top_actors = []
for el in degrees[0:5]:
      top_actors.append( el[1] )

layer_deg = dict()
layer_deg["actor"] = top_actors
for layer in ml.layers(net):
    layer_deg[layer] =, actors = top_actors, layers = [layer] )

df( layer_deg )
actor lunch facebook coauthor leisure work
0 U4 15 12 NaN 1.0 21
1 U67 12 13 NaN 2.0 20
2 U91 7 14 3.0 14.0 8
3 U79 13 15 NaN 7.0 9
4 U123 6 11 NaN NaN 27
deg_dev = dict()
deg_dev["actor"] = top_actors
deg_dev["dd"] = ml.degree_deviation(net, actors = top_actors)

df( deg_dev )
actor dd
0 U4 8.133880
1 U67 7.418895
2 U91 4.261455
3 U79 5.230679
4 U123 9.987993

Neigborhood centralities can be calculated. See the difference from degrees.

Code, actors = ["U4"], layers = ["work", "lunch"])
ml.neighborhood(net, actors = ["U91"], layers = ["facebook", "leisure"])

Neigborhood centrality exclusive to the queried layers can be calculated.

ml.xneighborhood(net, actors = ["U91"], layers = ["facebook", "leisure"])

Relevance is the ratio between neighborhood centrality of the queried layers and all layers.

layer_rel = dict()
layer_rel["actor"] = top_actors
for layer in ml.layers(net):
    layer_rel[layer] = ml.relevance(net, actors = top_actors, layers = [layer] )

df( layer_rel )
actor lunch facebook coauthor leisure work
0 U4 0.576923 0.461538 NaN 0.038462 0.807692
1 U67 0.521739 0.565217 NaN 0.086957 0.869565
2 U91 0.318182 0.636364 0.136364 0.636364 0.363636
3 U79 0.541667 0.625000 NaN 0.291667 0.375000
4 U123 0.206897 0.379310 NaN NaN 0.931034

Multiplex networks are special cases of multilayer networks. Multilayer networks can be defined with different nodes at each layer. Pymnet libary can be used to visulaize and analyze multilayer networks.

#!git clone
#!pip install ./Multilayer-networks-library
import pymnet as pn
fig=pn.draw(,3*[0.4]),layout="spring", show=True)

gml =,3*[0.4])


1: Bianconi, Ginestra. Multilayer Networks. Available from: VitalSource Bookshelf, Oxford University Press Academic UK, 2018.

2: uunet Python library

3: Bródka, Piotr, et al. “Quantifying layer similarity in multiplex networks: a systematic study.” Royal Society open science 5.8 (2018): 171747.